Managing Finances on the old Neptun student web

Paying items


Move your cursor over the upper menu bar, to the ’Finances’ button, and in the drop-down list select ’Payment’. In this menu, you will see all of your financial items. You can filter the listed items based on academic terms, or status of the items.

A képen szöveg, képernyőkép, szoftver, Weblap látható

Automatikusan generált leírás

It is advised to set the ’Status’ to ’Active’ by selecting it from the drop-down list when you wish to pay your current fees.

After filtering, a list of the items waiting for payment (Active) will be shown in a table at the bottom the page. You can choose which item you wish to pay by ticking the checkbox at the end of the given item. You may choose several items to pay simultaneously by clicking on more than one checkbox. After you chose which item(s) you wish to pay, you can start the payment by clicking on the ’Pay in’ button at the lower-right corner of the table.

A képen szöveg, szám, Betűtípus, képernyőkép látható

Automatikusan generált leírás

The listed items may be payed via online bank transfer, or from collective account (further info at management of collective account).

You can pay your fees online via the OTP Bank Simple Pay platform with the supported Credit Cards. If you choose this type of payment, you will be redirected to the Simple Pay website, where you can pay the listed items after filling in your card’s information. Your credit card payment will be registered instantly in the Neptun system, similarly to the collective account payment.

 A képen szöveg, szoftver, Weblap, Betűtípus látható

Automatikusan generált leírás

If you choose to pay from your collective account, the necessary amount will be transferred from your collective account by the system, if you have enough coverage. If you have more than one collective account, then you have to choose the one from which you wish to pay. The payment will be registered instantly.

If you choose to pay via Simple Pay, you will have to agree to the transfer of your personal data necessary to administrate the payment to OTP Bank. If you do not agree to this, you will not be able to pay your fees with this method.

A képen szöveg, szoftver, Weblap, Számítógépes ikon látható

Automatikusan generált leírás

After your consent, you will be redirected to the Simple Pay website, where you can pay the listed items after filling in your card’s information.

The default language of the page is English, however, you can change language settings, if you wish.

A képen szöveg, képernyőkép, Weblap, szoftver látható

Automatikusan generált leírás A képen szöveg, képernyőkép, szoftver, Weblap látható

Automatikusan generált leírás A képen szöveg, képernyőkép, szoftver, multimédia látható

Automatikusan generált leírás

If you already have a Simple Pay account or mobile app, you can login with your Facebook, Google account or your registered e-mail address to use your saved credit card details.

After you sign-in, you can use either your saved card or a newly recorded one to pay with clicking on the ‘Pay’ button.

A pop-up window will inform you about your successful payment.

A képen szöveg, szoftver, Multimédiás szoftver, Számítógépes ikon látható

Automatikusan generált leírás


Transcribing items


Students have the possibility to pay tuition fee or other charges through Neptun System. By clicking the menu of „Finances” , „Payment” the unpaid items will appear. If imposing items is allowed for students in your institution, the "Transcribe item" link is available below the filter section, found directly below the height of the "List" button, on the left side of the page. When clicking it, a popup window appears, in which you may transcribe a payment obligation for yourself. Item data is to be entered in order, one by one, selecting required settings from dropdown menus. For further information about the meaning of settings and the rules concerning various payment obligations please consult the Registrar’s department at your institution. First you have to select the payment title (e.g. service title, which may be a separate procedure or late fees) because additional fields will appear according to the title then. With the help of a term-selector button you can transcribe IV (repeat exam) fee both for the term before the current one or for the next term as well. At services title you can select the “Every semester” option from the term selection field, thus you can choose from subjects of all your terms at related subjects. In this case, the term of the imposition item will always be the current term. (The reason for this, e.g. specified student imposition for subject re-registration and the related subject registration check, prohibition.) In case of repeat exam and service titles the institution may require selecting the subject from the “Subject” drop-down menu (for easy identification the subject code also appears after the subject name). In case of service title this depends on the service type. If you have set everything correctly, then click on the “Create item” button. The system provides feedback whether the imposition was successful or not, and then on the “Payments” tab after setting the filters correctly the transcribed item will immediately appear among your active items. The name of the imposition item will be the fee type belonging to the payment title (e.g. within service title, the name of an item transcribed with “Deadline omission fee" fee type will be "Deadline omission fee"). The payment process is the same as the normal payment process. DELETING ITEMS In Neptun, students can only delete unpaid items transcribed by themselves, but not items transcribed by administrators, lecturers of the institution or generated by the system. Accordingly, if the student would delete an item subscribed by someone else, the program prevents the operation and a warning message notifies him/her that only own item can be deleted. After marking the check boxes in the list of the items to be deleted, click "Delete" button at the bottom of the page.


Refund requests


A képen szöveg, képernyőkép, szoftver látható

Automatikusan generált leírás

The student may submit a refund request in the “Finances”/”Payment” menu. Refund can only be requested for items that have been paid already. In this menu, a filter helps to list the items “Fulfilled” in the particular semester.

 A képen szöveg, Betűtípus, képernyőkép látható

Automatikusan generált leírás


The items appear in a hierarchical list. For example, tuition fees appear in three instalments. The student can submit the requests per single instalments on the “Payments” tab. This means that the student has to submit a separate request for every instalment; e.g. three requests for the tuition fee.

 A képen szöveg, képernyőkép, Betűtípus, szám látható

Automatikusan generált leírás

The student can submit the request by clicking on the “Options” button (+ symbol) at the end of the line of a particular instalment and selecting “Submit request” from the pop-up list. If “Submit request” appears in grey (inactive), then the request cannot be submitted and the student has to inform the Central Registrar’s Office ( about this problem.


By clicking on “Submit request” available requests in connection with the particular instalment appear. Besides the “refund request” [visszafizetési kérelem], other requests, such as the “invoice request” [számlakérő nyilatkozat] may appear in the list. The student can start filling in the request by clicking on "refund request" in the list or clicking the “Options” (+ symbol) at the end of the line and selecting “Choose”. 


 A képen szöveg, Weblap, szoftver, képernyőkép látható

Automatikusan generált leírás


Filling in the request

The student has to fill in the bank details to which the refund is requested. Every other information is automatically filled. A refund may be requested to the own bank account of the student or to another bank account. A student not having Hungarian residence may request a refund to a foreign bank account.

If the student requests the refund to own bank account, then the program automatically fills in the bank details. If the default bank account would not appear or it is incorrect, the student has to stop filling in the request and has to inform the Registrar’s Office about the problem. Or the student can add a new account individually in the “Finances”/ ”Settings” menu as well.

If the student requests a refund to a bank account of another person, then that bank account number (2x8 or 3x character format) and the name of the account holder have to be filled in.

If the bank account is foreign, the student has to fill in the following information: the name of the bank, the name of the account holder, IBAN and SWIFT codes. In this case, these fields are compulsory to fill in.

After filling in the fields described above, the amount to be refunded has to be set. This amount may be the whole fee or a proportion of it. If the requested currency is not Hungarian forint, the requested currency has to be set.


After filling in the request, the program will show the filled request form by clicking on the “Next” button at the bottom of the page. If any information on the form is incorrect, the student may go back to edit the request by clicking on the “Back” button. By clicking on the “Submit request” button the program saves and sends the request to the system. The student does not have any further tasks after filling in and submitting the request. The student does not have to print the request. Information on the acceptance or refusal of the request can be found in the “Studies” / “Official notes” menu.